关于「 Hammack」的内容列表

Federal Reserve official Hammack: Interest rates should be kept unchanged until inflation falls further

Cleveland Fed President Beth Hammack said it would be appropriate to keep interest rates on hold for "some time" while policymakers wait for inflation to decline further and analyze the economic impact of the new administration's policies. "We've made good progress, but 2 percent inflation is yet to be seen," Hammack said in a note prepared for the event in Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday. "As long as the labor market remains healthy, I will look for inflation before further policy adjustments.....

2025-02-11 14:34:31

克利夫兰联储行长Beth Hammack表示,在政策制定者等待通胀进一步下行并分析新政府政策的经济影响时,在“一段时间”内保持利率不变是合适的。“我们已经取得了良好的进展,但2%的通胀尚未可见,”Hammack周二在为肯塔基州列克星敦的活动准备的讲稿中说。“只要劳动力市场保持健康,我就会在进一步调整政策之前,寻找通胀...

2025-02-11 14:34:31
Federal Reserve official Hammack, who voted only against it, emphasized inflation concerns, saying monetary policy was not far from neutral

Beth Hammack, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, explained why she voted no at this week's meeting, saying interest rates should be kept steady until more progress is made in reducing inflation. Hammack said she believed interest rates were near neutral levels that would neither drag down nor stimulate the economy, and suggested they should remain high enough to moderately constrain economic activity "for a period of time." In my estimation, monetary policy is not far from neutr...

2024-12-20 15:44:51

克利夫兰联邦储备银行行长Beth Hammack解释她为何在本周的议息会议上投下反对票,表示应保持利率稳定,直至降通胀取得更多进展。Hammack称她认为利率接近既不会拖累也不会刺激经济的中性水平,并建议利率应在“一段时间内”维持在足以适度限制经济活动的高位。Hammack在周五发布的一份声明中写道,“根据我的估计,货币政策离中性立场不远,...

2024-12-20 15:44:51
The Cleveland Fed has appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Beth Hammack as its new president

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has named Beth Hammack, a former Goldman Sachs employee, as its next president, according to reports. Hammack has more than 30 years of experience in finance, capital markets and risk management. She will replace Meister, who steps down on June 30 after a decade in the role. She will vote on monetary policy decisions this year after taking office on August 21. Hammack, 52, joined Goldman in 1993 and has held various roles handling agency bonds, interest rate...

2024-05-29 14:32:32
克利夫兰联储任命前高盛合伙人Beth Hammack为新任行长

金十期货5月29日讯,据报道,克利夫兰联邦储备银行任命曾在高盛集团供职的Beth Hammack为下一任行长。Hammack在金融、资本市场和风险管理方面拥有30多年的经验。她将取代梅斯特,梅斯特将在担任该职位十年后于6月30日卸任。8月21日上任后,她将对今年的货币政策决定进行投票。52岁的Hammack于1993年加入高盛,担任过处理机构债券、利率和回购交易的各种职务。

2024-05-29 14:32:32

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